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Saturn Wall Lamp - Celestial Glow - Planetary Chic

Bring the Majesty of Saturn to Your Walls


Customer Reviews

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Candace M.Apr 19 2024, 1:36 pm

Forgot to add pictures! Showing the 3 different shades and you can also control the brightness and has a timer in the remote as well! Love this so much!

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Candace M.Apr 19 2024, 8:04 am

My daughter’s room is space themed and this light is perfect for that. I love that I can control the brightness with the remote and also it has the option of white, light brown and darker brown for the full Saturn effect. The light attaches to the ceiling by a magnet which is strong enough to hold it but easy to take off to charge the light. I have it on 24hrs a day and the full charge lasts me 5 days and charges in a few hours.

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Natalie845Mar 8 2024, 2:05 am

The design is quite creative, and I'm impressed by the overall quality, especially appreciating the bright and illuminating light it provides.

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