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Electric Makeup Brush Cleaner - The Ultimate Cosmetic Tool for Effortless

Refresh Your Brushes with the Spin of Innovation!


Customer Reviews

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Andrea B.Feb 25 2024, 1:50 pm

The electric makeup brush cleaner is very easy to fit with the brushes for cleaning and spinning. I used a dab of liquid soap on mine. Be sure to follow directions and not over spin. My brushes turned out clean and soft....lightweight like they were new. My brushes were quite coated and needed a cleansing spin. It also dries very well. I recommend it for your brushes.

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LorrieDec 25 2023, 8:22 am

At first I thought the electric brush did not work, but you have to hold the button a few secs for it to spin I tried it with different size brushes with different types of makeup textures. For my powder blush and eyeshadow brushes it worked well. Although the odd time during the spin cycle the brush came loose, even with securing it in the tightest rubber holder. But it did clean and dry them nicely. With my liquid foundation brush, it did not clean it very well even with makeup cleaner. But that could be because I hadn't cleaned my brush in quite awhile. But with regular cleanings I could see it cleaning the brush very well. It comes neatly packed, easy to assemble and charged quickly. So if you are someone who cleans your brushes weekly per the recommendation, it's perfect!

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Alexandria T.Dec 21 2023, 3:24 am

This was straight forward to put together and comes with a nice stand to keep it all together. Good power to the spins, however I didn’t have any make up cleaner so I couldn’t see the results, however I am confident it will work perfectly!

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